Plymouth Pathway to Net Zero

Free support for Plymouth businesses working towards Net Zero.

The Pathway to Net Zero programme has been designed to provide free support for Plymouth-based businesses to adopt more environmentally conscious processes and move towards becoming net zero. Funded by Plymouth City Council through the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, the programme provides a combination of one-to-one sessions, workshops, and self-learning resources.

How Pathway to Net Zero can help you:

  • How to make your business practices more sustainable
  • Carbon measurement and free carbon audits
  • Developing a green workforce culture
  • Reducing your digital carbon footprint
  • Sustainability certification options
  • Creating an Environmental Management System.

You can join a series of expert-led workshops as part of the Pathway to Net Zero programme, designed to equip Plymouth businesses with the skills and knowledge to thrive while achieving Net Zero goals. These workshops are FREE and tailored to help you achieve real results. Along with 1:1 mentoring and online learning, you’ll gain valuable insights to grow your business sustainably.

Contact the Growth Hub team here to find out more.


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