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Sustainable Earth 2024: Accelerating Action on Net-Zero through Mobilising People-Power

Sustainable Earth 2024: Accelerating Action on Net Zero through Mobilising People-Power is an online event that offers researchers, businesses, NGOs, community groups and individuals the opportunity to come together to hear inspirational speakers.

It’s an opportunity to network, spark ideas and encourage collaborations to tackle global and local challenges around the climate.

This year’s conference, hosted on the Net-Zero Exchange platform, will focus on accelerating action on net zero through mobilising people-power.

With talks from University of Plymouth researchers as well as industry experts and activists, our hope is that you will leave the event energised and equipped with the knowledge to advocate for and take action towards a net-zero future.

The event will run through the Net-Zero Exchange’s online SpotMe platform and will run from 09:30 – 18:00 on the 19 June.

Find out more and register on the Sustainable Earth 20224 Net-Zero Exchange site here


Plymouth sustainable earth net zero event
9:30 am

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