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New digital skills programme offered across Devon and Somerset

A newly launched digital skills programme has been created to offer more than 440 training places across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset, and Torbay.

The Core Sector Digital Training programme has been designed to support the key growth sectors of creative industries and clean growth as well as the region’s bedrock sectors of health and adult social care, hospitality and tourism.

Open to residents who are currently unemployed or seeking to upskill, as well as those considering a career change, the scheme provides an opportunity for individuals to enhance their digital skills and improve their job prospects. The application process will involve answering a few simple questions to determine eligibility.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the region with fewer than 250 employees can also benefit from the programme, accessing training opportunities for their workforce to stay competitive in the digital age.

Led by Devon County Council and delivered by Cosmic, the Core Sector Digital Training programme is part of the Heart of the South West local growth deal funded Digital Skills Series, supported by the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the UK Government.

You can apply by completing the online application on the Heart of the South West Skills launchpad website which asks a few simple questions to ensure that you’re eligible.


Digital skills picture of someone on mobile and laptop

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